
May 17, 2010

I'm Living In My Pajamas

Today, I didn't have to wake up to an alarm. I won't have to stand in front of my closet wondering what to wear. No longer will I have to pack my breakfast or lunch before I rush out the door. I won't be part of the morning hustle & bustle at the bus stop. And best of all, I don't have to sit at a desk, working a job I don't love.

But why quit now, in such a hard economic time? Why quit without having another job waiting? What are you going to do?

These are all questions I have answered numerous times in the past several weeks. So let me give some background.

Perhaps the timing of this doesn't make the most sense economically. But this wasn't a rash decision. I didn't wake up 4 weeks ago and decide it would be the day I would quit my job. It's something I've considered, prepared for & wrestled through for quite some time.

Also, I know myself & know that I can say I'm going to change careers and do something new and different. But as long as I am in a job that is comfortable and stable (no matter how much I don't love it), I will never push myself to move on. So I felt the best thing for me was to quit & to focus my time and energy on what it is I want to do.

When I tell people I'm quitting my job & don't have another one lined up, sometimes I am asked "so are you going to stay in your pajamas all day?" No, I don't plan to spend every day in my pjs eating bon bons. (But oh, that sounds wonderful, doesn't it?)

So what am I going to do with myself? That's the million dollar question. And the answer is, I'm not exactly sure. I do know I want to do something that allows me to use my creative talent. I've been trying to sell some things through my Etsy page. But sales have been slow and & I want to try to develop that more. I have no illusions that I will be able to support myself 100% through that. But I want to see how far I can take it. I think I would enjoy working for a company that sells paper and other goods which give people an opportunity to be creative.

As you can see, I don't know where this road will lead me. But I'm excited to take the journey. And so grateful for the opportunity to it.

So, I'm inviting you to join me. Follow me as I discover the unknown world of living in my pajamas!

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